Random Order Generator

Enter items separated by commas or new lines

How to Use the Random Order Generator

Our random order generator tool makes it simple to randomize any list of items. Whether you're organizing a team roster, creating a playlist, or conducting a fair selection process, this randomizer ensures completely random results every time.

  1. Enter your items in the text box above, one per line or separated by commas
  2. Click the "Randomize" button to generate a random order
  3. Use the copy button to save your randomized list

Popular Uses for the Random Order Generator

Team Organization

  • Randomize player positions in sports teams
  • Create random project group assignments
  • Organize fair team rotation schedules


  • Shuffle music playlists
  • Randomize movie watch lists
  • Create random game tournament brackets

Why Choose Our Random Order Generator?

Our random order generator tool stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness. Using the Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm, it ensures truly random results every time. Whether you're a teacher organizing student presentations or a team leader creating fair work rotations, our random order generator provides reliable randomization instantly.

The random order generator supports both comma-separated and line-by-line input formats, making it flexible for various use cases. With its clean interface and instant results, you can quickly generate random orders for any list of items.